Ahh, the core. By now, everyone knows that in order to be athletic or have a long fitness career, you need a high level of core stability. We’ve often heard that athletes have strong cores – does this just mean that they can do 1000s of crunches a day? Core training has been a hot […]
The SCIENCE behind Foam Rolling

Foam Rolling – Why? For How Long? Where? What does it do? In recent years, foam rolling has become a mainstay practice in all kinds of sport and athletic settings – and has been regarded within the strength and conditioning field, as a means to improve the efficiency of training, competition preparation or post-exercise recovery. […]
Your Best Squat Technique is Determined by YOUR Anatomy

Contrary to popular belief, there is absolutely no one-size fits all in terms of squat. We’ve all heard of the popular cueing for a squat – toes slightly pointed out, feet at shoulder width, and squat past parallel. Unfortunately, there are anatomical differences between individuals where this setup is simply not the most effective, or […]
Acute injury management: What you should do in the first few days of an acute injury

We’ve all rolled an ankle or pulled a hamstring while playing sports. The next few days the injured joint/muscle/tendon goes through a predictable pattern of pain, swelling, warmth, redness and restricted movement. Previous research suggested “RICE” to manage the initial phase of injury; rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Most patients who visit us have used […]
Does static stretching prevent injuries?

We’ve all heard someone tell us to stretch before running or playing a sport to reduce the risk of injury. But is touching your toes or pulling your heel to your butt really enough to reduce your risk of pulling a hamstring or quad muscle while running or playing a sport? The quick answer is […]