Treadmill, Pavement, Trail Running. What you need to know!

As the weather is getting warmer outside and running season commences, we often get asked what’s the best surface to run on: treadmill, pavement, or a trail? Although there are differences in biomechanics, ground reaction forces, and musculature used when running on different surfaces, there isn’t a “best choice”. It all depends on your personal […]

When do you need an x-ray after twisting your ankle?

Have you ever twisted your ankle and wondered if you should get an x-ray to see if it is broken? Therapists use The Ottawa Ankle Rules to determine whether or not an x-ray is indicated after spraining your ankle. An x-ray is indicated if there is specific pain at certain bony sites at the ankle […]

Why “perfect” posture is a myth

People often blame their neck and back pain on “bad posture”. We’ve heard multiple patients ask us if they should buy posture correcting braces, or elastic bands that help pull their shoulders back, or devices that vibrate when you slouch into “poor” posture. Everyone is trying to attain the “perfect” gold standard posture of sitting […]

Your Best Squat Technique is Determined by YOUR Anatomy

Contrary to popular belief, there is absolutely no one-size fits all in terms of squat. We’ve all heard of the popular cueing for a squat – toes slightly pointed out, feet at shoulder width, and squat past parallel. Unfortunately, there are anatomical differences between individuals where this setup is simply not the most effective, or […]

Acute injury management: What you should do in the first few days of an acute injury

We’ve all rolled an ankle or pulled a hamstring while playing sports. The next few days the injured joint/muscle/tendon goes through a predictable pattern of pain, swelling, warmth, redness and restricted movement. Previous research suggested “RICE” to manage the initial phase of injury; rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Most patients who visit us have used […]

Does static stretching prevent injuries?

Static stretching

We’ve all heard someone tell us to stretch before running or playing a sport to reduce the risk of injury. But is touching your toes or pulling your heel to your butt really enough to reduce your risk of pulling a hamstring or quad muscle while running or playing a sport? The quick answer is […]

Thomas Lalonde

Doctorate of Chiropractic

Dr. Thomas Lalonde is a Chiropractor with nearly a decade of experience in the Fitness/Rehab Industry. He holds a Diploma in Fitness and Health Promotion with honours from Humber college, a Bachelor’s Degree with Honours from Brock University, and a Doctorate of Chiropractic from The Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College.

Dr. Lalonde has an extensive background in treating sport injuries, specifically specializing in Golf Performance Therapy. In 2021, he traveled with the Toronto Players Tour as their Head Therapist, He took on the role of Head Performance Therapist for an Ontario based Golf Program and  continues to serve as the Head Therapist for the Osprey Valley Open on the PGA Tour Canada.

Throughout his education, Dr. Lalonde has spent time furthering his knowledge and is also Certified in Integrated Needling Acupuncture, Integrated Assessment + Integrated Patterning, Titleist Performance Institute, Active Release Technique as well as, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization. He is also one of the Lead Instructors for Integrated Seminar Series – an innovative, evidence-informed courseware in mobility, movement patterning, rehabilitation, and Acupuncture for other healthcare providers taught around the world.

  • Doctor of Chiropractic
  • Bachelor of Kinesiology with Honours
  • Diploma of Fitness & Health Promotion
  • Integrated Needling Acupuncture Certified
  • Integrated Assessment
  • Integrated Patterning
  • Lead Instructor for Integrated Seminar Series
  • Titleist Performance Institute Level 1&2 Medical
  • Active Release Technique
  • Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization A&B
  • Certified Personal Trainer

Riley Dane

RMT, Hons. BA Kin

I started out in this field because I was inspired by the care and sports rehab that I received when I was an athlete. From competitive gymnastics to soccer to varsity track and field, I’ve been in and out of my fair share of clinics!

I have a passion for helping people return to doing what they love. Whether that be sports, recreational activity, or returning to a pain-free everyday life. I want to work as a team with each individual to create a treatment that fits their mental and physical needs. I believe that exercise and activity is an essential component of wellbeing and want my clients to be able to engage in these activities without compromise.

Education-wise I went to Western (GO STANGS!) for my undergrad, earning a Honours Bachelor of Arts with Specialization in Kinesiology and followed that with a Diploma of Massage Therapy from Sutherland-Chan.

In my spare time, I like to lift weights, read, play volleyball and spend time with family. I’m a huge sports fan, especially the Leafs, Raps and Jays!